Saturday, July 18, 2015

One Week...One Year...One Month

I did not disappear this week. That's not what happened here. I mean, I did say last week I was going to be back in the blogging game...and then I did not blog a single day this week...but that wasn't actually my fault. I mean, sort of not my fault anyway.'s what happened...

Since last Sunday, J Word and I have been serving as counselors at Northern Light Summer Camp, an offshoot of the generations ministry (GenMin) of the church that J Word is a part of and preaches at, and a camp experience he's been a part of for a number of years now. As part of camp we teach a morning class session, help with the afternoon "campy" activities like: canoeing, high ropes, zip lines, hiking, archery, rock climbing, etc., and supervise the dorms late late late into the night when 14-16 year old girls (or in J Word's case, boys) decide that the giant slumber party can, in fact, slumber. Rinse...repeat...another day begins!

So as I said...since Sunday we've been at this. I won't claim that we were "roughing it," as the dorms were (mostly) air conditioned, the kitchen staff in the dining hall prepared 3 (very carb-based, very square, very over portioned in some cases) meals a day, and I got a daily shower (always appreciated!). But at the same time, this was not the newly-wedded life that Josh and I have grown comfortably accustomed to the last 4 weeks!

Still, we've had a good time, came back with some stories to tell (yes, you can canoe in a torrential downpour for two hours while your canoe gathers water and you get soaked to the skin), and are likely better people because of it. To the camp's credit, or maybe it's GenMin's credit, the camp program is actually wide reaching and widely successful. Northern Light is just one of tons of other camps in the same network that took place all over the country this summer...which is pretty cool. (More info here for those who are truly curious.)
Of all the weeks of the summer, this was the one I had to work hardest at, and hardest to get excited about, so part of me is a little glad that it's come and gone without incident. But that's also not fair because there's been plenty to be REALLY excited about this it's all relative!

And speaking of the other things going on this summer...the title of this post referenced three different time period. The first being a week - in this case the week of camp. The second is a year, which is a throw back to this time last year (well, actually, yesterday last year), which was the day that J Word proposed! So that's kind of fun!

Then, of course, we have one month, a flash forward to Monday which will mark our one month 'anniversary' of married life. Which is all well and good...great even!...but can I just say, THAT WENT FAST!! I mean, I know we had the honeymoon in there, and a week of camp, so it's not like we were just sitting around staring at each other, but still. It flew by! I like it. I'm a fan of being married. I'll be even more of a fan when the rest of my name change stuff is finished and I can quit with the "Dr. Jekyll is also Mr. Hyde" routine when showing one ID with one name and something else with another name. Hopefully soon! I got the blog administrator's rights officially switched to "Laack." (...because obviously that was the most important change to make!)

Anyway, it's hot, and the camp laundry marathon has begun, and there's a little bit of catching up to do around the house, so I'll be signing off for now! Hope you have awesome weekend plans. Stay tuned for next week's summer race and picking a play update! And until then...

Happy Trails,

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