30 Before 30

"I don't want to wait until I'm dying to start living." ~Unknown~

Goal: Complete 30 preset tasks before my 30th birthday. 

Rules: Tasks must be completed between the start and end date. (No "retroactive" credit!)
Tasks must be specific with a result that can be measured or defined.

Start Date: September 8th, 2011
End Date: September 8th, 2017

The List:
  1. Go one year without library fines (Started 1/1/2014)  (Complete Jan 1. 2015)
  2. Write a novel
  3. Organize a recipe box
  4. Take a road trip (7/3/12; 7/26/13; etc.)
  5. Go to Europe
  6. Buy the perfect pair of jeans...no matter what they cost (3/2014...)
  7. Plan a surprise party (May 2014)
  8. Dye my hair (8/21/13)
  9. Camp with friends
  10. Make homemade pasta (2/11/12)
  11. Run a triathlon (6/10/12)
  12. Be silent for 48 hours
  13. Sing karaoke in a public place
  14. Buy myself a nice piece of jewelry (6/2012)
  15. Go to bed at sunrise
  16. Learn to drive a stick shift  (11/27/11)
  17. Change my own oil
  18. Spend a day at the spa (8/8/13)
  19. Use cash to pay for everything for one month
  20. Kiss someone at midnight on New Year's Eve  (1/1/15)
  21. Start a retirement fund  (1/14)
  22. Have a backyard dinner party (7/2014)
  23. Attend a national education conference
  24. Take a random flight to a spontaneous weekend destination
  25. Go to a Major tournament
  26. Take a wine pairing class
  27. Volunteer one weekend a month for one year  (Completed 2012-2013)
  28. Visit friends in other states (10/26/12)
  29. Make the first move (9/19/12)
  30. Spend my 30th birthday with fabulous people in a fabulous place! :-)