Friday, July 31, 2015

Four thoughts for Friday

Happy Friday happy people! It's the last day of July...which is crazy. But the good news is, that with Labor Day so late in September, there's the whole month of August ahead of us before the reality of "Back to School" really sets in. (And then school will start on my there's the reality of that!)

I've been putting in half days of planning for the last two weeks trying to get organized while I have the motivation to do so, and before I have an imposing deadline of "school's going to start and you have to do this now!" Hopefully the scripts I'm waiting on will show up this afternoon and my focus can shift to theatre next week. In the meantime, no update on that front...

And it's Friday, so let's not talk about work anyway. Here are four thoughts from the world at large this week...

1. Happy Birthday to JK Rowling! I'm unapologetically a big Harry Potter nerd, and wish I had a story in my head like that. I thought the writing in the series was pretty brilliant, but even more brilliant has been Rowling's regular twitter posts, both HP related and un-HP related. Here are some of the best examples of her wit with words. My favorites below:

2. Sometimes J Word accuses, no that's too negative, he asserts that I am good at nearly everything I try. This is not 100% accurate. Not even close. But in the event you want to get good at everything you do, here's a helpful how-to video.

3. Sometimes I come across things on the internet, read them, and think there are WAY too many feelings going on here, and most people probably don't think this way. Maybe that's the way you feel when you read this blog. However, this post about donating clothes to a thrift store, and what it means to say goodbye to your memory and identity had me cracking up. I just took two bags of clothes to Goodwill, and you know what I thought? "Wow! I haven't worn this in ages! Good riddance." 

4. This color quiz is crazy hard. I didn't do particularly well...but it still said I had "decent color awareness," so I'm not sure how well you actually have to do to be considered excellent. Try it here.  

Happy weekend! 

Happy Trails, 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Up for Debate: Running Shirtless

Good Monday to you blog world! It's a BALMY 80 degrees here in Rochester today, and by balmy I mean 80% humidity. That is not ideal running weather, but the Madison Mini training schedule called for 7.5 miles this morning, so off I went. And I wasn't the only one out, I passed (and was passed by) plenty of other crazies out in the mugginess trying to get their daily dose of activity. It wasn't all bad, but it was sticky, and it made me glad for moisture wicking fabric and portable water! 

I got back home, and I looked like I had stood in the shower with my clothes on. Now, admittedly I am a "spandex" runner...that is to say, I unapologetically wear spandex shorts/capris/tights when I run in public whether it be outside or at the gym. There are plenty of people that probably take offense to that. Just google "Should people run in spandex" to get the full spectrum of the debate. But on a day like today, I'm extra unapologetic because the spandex doesn't rub and chafe when soaked in salty sweat like nylon running shorts can, so I run much more comfortably. 

However, my morning run did get me thinking about another clothing debate that gets people equally as riled up, and that is the question of whether or not people should run shirtless in public. Notice I said shirtless...not topless...ladies, if you're pursuing this option a sports bra is definitely required! 

A little backstory before I jump into my thoughts on both sides of this one: 

Recently, J word and I were driving through downtown Rochester and saw a very heavyset man reclining on a bench without a shirt on. He had a bicycle propped up next to him, but appeared in no real hurry to be "working out" or going anywhere. He was just chilling, in public, without shirt. J Word made a comment along the lines of "The no shirt, no shoes, rule should apply to sidewalks and not just indoor shops or restaurants." In the context of what we were observing, I chuckled and agreed, only to follow up a moment later with, "Unless someone is running..." Thus started our mini debate about when, if ever, there's an appropriate time to go shirtless in public.

In the interest of full disclosure, I will admit to having run in just a sports bra numerous times; and I have two sports bras in particular that have extra "design features" to make them "more appropriate" to wear sans shirt. (Design features include things like an extra lining, support, and "non-revealing" color scheme.)  

So, back to the debate. Because I've done it...and liked it while doing so...I'll defend shirtless runners first. 

First of all, I think this side of the debate comes down to comfort level with your own body vs. comfort level while running, and I'd like to add the disclaimers that if you're working out in an air conditioned gym, there's probably no reason to take your shirt off! But, let's say you're running outside on a day like today with 80% humidity, and you're sweating up a storm. For guys, running without a shirt on is essentially akin to wearing a swimsuit. Plus, I feel like this is a lot less of an issue for guys anyway, because things like "shirts vs. skins" are long standing fixtures of male athletics. So I will not waste my time trying to convince you otherwise. 

It's on the ladies' side, however, that the jury still seems to be out. Ever since Brandi Chastain ripped off her jersey at the 1999 World Cup, the idea of women prancing around in shorts and a bra has been rather openly (and over) discussed. Here's my long and short of it. Sometimes a shirt is just too much. I ran in a moisture wicking "meshy" singlet this morning, and it was drenched and uncomfortable by the time I got home. I should have ditched it at mile 4, but I had my water belt on, and wanted something between the strap and my skin. On the whole, my sports bra and shorts are far less revealing than my swimsuit, and nobody seems to complain when I wear that in public.

Oh! And for those who say that people shouldn't workout shirtless because their "body" is offensive (overweight...stretch marks...flabby skin...whatever), they are working out, so obviously they care somewhat about their body, regardless of what it looks like in the current moment, so just stop talking!

As for the other side, well I suppose the issue here comes down to modesty. 

If we're going to make an argument against running shirtless, first we must agree that we're talking about all people, and not just women. The argument against women running shirtless, often comes back to the idea that women should be trying to be provocative, solicit unwanted attention, etc. and that's just ridiculous. I have never gone on a long distance run in a sports bra thinking about attracting some guy's attention in the process. If I'm running long enough and hard enough when it's hot enough to merit running in a sports bra, I'm doing it for no one but myself. And if you've ever seen me post's not exactly super attractive and sexy...just saying! not that we agree that we're talking all people not just women, then it comes down to modesty in general. We don't grocery shop without a shirt. We don't go to restaurants without a shirt. While we're allowed to do what we want in the privacy of our own homes, and we have specific outlets/areas of society (the beach, pool, etc.) where we accept a different dress code, on the whole, we're expected to cover ourselves appropriately in public, and that includes the public areas where we run and workout. Plus, with the available options in workout clothing, it's much easier to stay cool than it once was when people were just picking through a stack of old cotton t-shirts. It's not that hard to find a cheap tech-shirt designed to help keep you cool when it's hot, so there's really no reason to have to take your clothes off.

In the end, most people with an opinion on the debate will fall on the side that they would feel most comfortable doing themselves. Those who are comfortable running shirtless themselves, are probably more likely to support all people doing it, while those aren't comfortable running shirtless themselves may be more prone to think no one should do it. Some will point to comfort and practicality; others to modesty and safety (though again to the safety point, I think that's a different issue! The only time I've ever been harassed while running was when I was in capris and a long sleeve shirt!). 

Either way, I think the thing no one is debating is that you should be getting out and doing something!whether it's shirtless, or zipped into a wetsuit covering every inch of skin...get out and get active! 

What side would you take? 

Happy Trails, 



Friday, July 24, 2015

Plays...Races...Curriculum...and the end of Summer

Happy Friday! This started as a four thoughts for Friday kind of post, and then I realized I gave you two things on Tuesday. So instead of subjecting you to an assortment of random internet fun-facts again, I thought I'd shoot for substance.

Then are reading a blog, so it's all kind of random internet fun-facts anyway.

Nevertheless...SUBSTANCE! You shall have it!

First, an update. As mentioned previously, J Word and I returned from camp this week, and as it was the last big, scheduled event of the summer, it has invariably led to people asking what I'm doing with the rest of my time this summer. Having addressed this question from at least four people in the last four days, I might remind everyone I'm on vacation! Summer vacation! I'll do whatever I want! But that is not the kind of answer society likes to hear from its teachers (lazy do-gooders, leaching off taxpayer money, and sunning themselves all day!) So I must do things, and the first thing I tell people I'm doing, is putting the fall play together.

You may remember that when I previously discussed the play I had narrowed it down to two options.

But I also left you with the caveat that I'd be very prone to change my mind if a better script came along, or the limitations of either of those productions made staging them impractical. Enter a new, and very tempting option...

And I do mean very tempting! The right balance in the cast...a set that is interesting, but doable...a script that is charming and humorous...enough name recognition to (hopefully) intrigue people. The trick in this one would be the costuming, though I found a lovely tutorial on creating a Monty Python style King Arthur/Knights of the Round table style doublet out of a twin bed that's an option! ;) Added bonus..the performance rights are considerably cheaper than either of the other two options! (I'm all for being economical, especially when working with limited resources all the way around!) 

As for making a final decision...well...I'm still waiting on the full script for 'Fools' to show up, which is supposed to be here on Monday. So, I'll probably read through that first hash out a potential staging plan, and then make the final decision. I'm hoping to have something picked and licensed by August 1st, which is next week already! So with that said, I'm pulling "And Then There Were None," and looking between 'Fools' and 'KiKAC' instead.

Just wait until next week when I announce it's something COMPLETELY different! :)

Second thing to "do" for the rest of the summer (because I need to be "doing" something) is to race! Here's a wonderful fun fact about this summer that has not been true for two whole years. I'm not training for a marathon this summer! And let me tell's kind of a wonderful thing. I'm not saying that I will never run another marathon, because I can't promise that, but I will tell you this, nothing puts the amount of time, energy, and effort it takes to train for a marathon into perspective more than not training for a marathon! Crazy, right!? Instead, I've set my sites on two, late season half marathons. The first is the ever popular Madison Mini Marathon, which I'll run for the fifth time in August. The second is the Med City Half Marathon, which will be my very first race in Rochester!

The Madison Mini is great because it's the first distance race I ever did, I love the city of Madison and the course, and my brother and brother-in-law will also run it, meaning the whole family gets to come together for the day to hangout at a road race! The Med City will be great too because the course is all downhill, I have yet to do a race in Rochester which seems well overdue, and my sister-in-law and 'cousin-in-law' (is that a thing?) are running the 10K that same morning, so it will get the J Word's side of the family together for the day to hangout at a road race! Plus...the Med City is in September, meaning my 'official' training will be over long before we get too far into the school year, and into the craziness of tech/dress rehearsals for the play. 

And while we're back on the school year, that brings me to thing number three that I need to be "doing" this summer...planning curriculum. I don't know when people think this actually happens. I supposed they think during the school year. This week, I have spent 10 hours planning curriculum, and do you know how far that's gotten me? Well...I have a unit outline plan for two of my classes through first semester, and unit plans for my other class through quarter one. As for actual lesson plans, I have 3 weeks done for one class, and part of the class website built to go along with it (but I actually started building that last spring while school was still in session, so that only partially counts in my 10 hours.) If you want to learn along with my kiddos this fall, you can check out my Media and Publishing website at the following link. CLICK HERE That's a lot of content to produce. And summer gives me the time to do it, so I plan on! 

You know what I also do, however!? Take time to play, and that's why J Word and I are headed up to the Cities with friends tomorrow to see "Mary Poppins" on stage! This will be my second time seeing the show staged. The first was at the Overture Center in Madison (full recap HERE) and I'm excited to see what they do with it in a completely different kind of theatre setting. Plus, it's always fun to take a little weekend vacation, and it will be nice to have a little bonus time with some good friends. All is well! 

Anyway, I ramble as usual! Off to the rest of the day and the weekend ahead. Hope it's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious for everyone! 

Happy Trails, 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Two things Tuesday

It has been scientifically and psychologically proven that Tuesday is the most depressing day of the week, which is why once a week in my classroom, I've historically started class with "Two Things Tuesday," and shared with students two things that are funny or inspiring or random or I think might entertain a 15 year old long enough to make their day a little better. 

This past weekend I came across two interesting things to share with you this Tuesday. One is semi-informational; the other semi-inspirational...though to be sure, it's inspiration where you wouldn't expect it. So here you go...Two things Tuesday for you! 

1. The first is a HUGE demographical study breaking down areas by zip code, and looking at the type of people that live there. It's super interesting because when I entered all three of the zip codes that I've lived in, each one was 100% accurate in its assessment of the neighborhood breakdown and "tapestry" (what the area is like) ratings. Check it out, and poke around neighborhoods all over the country. It's very cool! CLICK HERE

2. So the other day I was waiting for my Youtube video to load, and had opened another window to check my email during the wait. Before my video, an advertisement played, and it was this inspirational, women rock kind of thing...and when I clicked over to see what the product was, I found out it was an Always commercial. Yes, I mean Always the feminine products company. Nowhere in the commercial do they promote their actual product, so I guess they're kind of going for a "if you feel like a pad company is empowering you as a woman, you will use their pads" kind of strategy. I'm not sure if it's translating into actual sales for them or not, but I do appreciate that they've at least moved away from the "I'm a woman with my period, and I can wear all white when I use (insert product here)" strategy. No woman is wearing all white...I don't care how good the commercial/product is. That's just a stupid idea. But every woman should kick boxes with insults written on them! 

Have a happy Tuesday...Always...

Happy Trails, 


Saturday, July 18, 2015

One Week...One Year...One Month

I did not disappear this week. That's not what happened here. I mean, I did say last week I was going to be back in the blogging game...and then I did not blog a single day this week...but that wasn't actually my fault. I mean, sort of not my fault anyway.'s what happened...

Since last Sunday, J Word and I have been serving as counselors at Northern Light Summer Camp, an offshoot of the generations ministry (GenMin) of the church that J Word is a part of and preaches at, and a camp experience he's been a part of for a number of years now. As part of camp we teach a morning class session, help with the afternoon "campy" activities like: canoeing, high ropes, zip lines, hiking, archery, rock climbing, etc., and supervise the dorms late late late into the night when 14-16 year old girls (or in J Word's case, boys) decide that the giant slumber party can, in fact, slumber. Rinse...repeat...another day begins!

So as I said...since Sunday we've been at this. I won't claim that we were "roughing it," as the dorms were (mostly) air conditioned, the kitchen staff in the dining hall prepared 3 (very carb-based, very square, very over portioned in some cases) meals a day, and I got a daily shower (always appreciated!). But at the same time, this was not the newly-wedded life that Josh and I have grown comfortably accustomed to the last 4 weeks!

Still, we've had a good time, came back with some stories to tell (yes, you can canoe in a torrential downpour for two hours while your canoe gathers water and you get soaked to the skin), and are likely better people because of it. To the camp's credit, or maybe it's GenMin's credit, the camp program is actually wide reaching and widely successful. Northern Light is just one of tons of other camps in the same network that took place all over the country this summer...which is pretty cool. (More info here for those who are truly curious.)
Of all the weeks of the summer, this was the one I had to work hardest at, and hardest to get excited about, so part of me is a little glad that it's come and gone without incident. But that's also not fair because there's been plenty to be REALLY excited about this it's all relative!

And speaking of the other things going on this summer...the title of this post referenced three different time period. The first being a week - in this case the week of camp. The second is a year, which is a throw back to this time last year (well, actually, yesterday last year), which was the day that J Word proposed! So that's kind of fun!

Then, of course, we have one month, a flash forward to Monday which will mark our one month 'anniversary' of married life. Which is all well and good...great even!...but can I just say, THAT WENT FAST!! I mean, I know we had the honeymoon in there, and a week of camp, so it's not like we were just sitting around staring at each other, but still. It flew by! I like it. I'm a fan of being married. I'll be even more of a fan when the rest of my name change stuff is finished and I can quit with the "Dr. Jekyll is also Mr. Hyde" routine when showing one ID with one name and something else with another name. Hopefully soon! I got the blog administrator's rights officially switched to "Laack." (...because obviously that was the most important change to make!)

Anyway, it's hot, and the camp laundry marathon has begun, and there's a little bit of catching up to do around the house, so I'll be signing off for now! Hope you have awesome weekend plans. Stay tuned for next week's summer race and picking a play update! And until then...

Happy Trails,

Friday, July 10, 2015

Four Thoughts for Friday...

Every week there are things that show up in the news...on my social media feed...on a weird CNN news blip...or somehow otherwise cross my path that really make me think. Sometimes, these thoughts are pensieve and meaningful. Other times these thoughts are more in the realm of 'WTF!?!' This week tended to lean more towards the 'WTF!?!' side of the spectrum. So, if you haven't been completely puzzled or perplexed by these issues this're welcome! You can now head scratch and eye roll with the rest of us. (!)

 1. Fireworks: There were two mind blowingly (and in a minute you'll see why that's a TERRIBLE pun!) stupid things that caught my attention about fireworks this week. Ok...there were three if you count the fact that I can't understand why people don't pick up their firework trash after the 4th of July!? I digress... First, you may have heard the story of the 22 year old that lit a firework on his head, immediately dying when said firework exploded. ('mind blowingly stupid'...right!?...Too soon?) It seems almost too obvious to state in writing how bizarre and idiotic this is, but stupider still might be the fact that his parents are now calling on politicians to put stricter regulations on fireworks. I'm not saying fireworks shouldn't have some kind of regulation. I mean, they are essentially bombs. HOWEVER, there is no way to regulate that kind of stupidity. I just...I don't even have the words for this ridiculousness.

If the firework on the head thing wouldn't have happened, the most annoyingly stupid thing that would have happened with fireworks this 4th of July would have been the NFL player who blew off 2 of his fingers with a firework, thus likely ending his NFL career. What?! WHAT!? I'm sorry, because I know I'm a semi-paranoid, semi-hypochondriac, but if I was a multi-million dollar NFL player who relied on my body and hands to make a living, do you know how careful I would be with my body and hands!? I'm not saying they should be living in a bubble and be a slave to the gym, but maybe not blowing your fingers off in the name of freedom and independence would be a great place to start!

2. The 2016 Presidential Election: Donald Trump is inexplicably climbing in the polls...another no name Democrat has tossed his/her hat into the ring to challenge Hillary Clinton...Scott Walker is set to announce his candidacy any minute "I Side With" quiz results gave me Bernie Sanders as my candidate of choice, but I fundamentally disagree with just about everyone of his stances on foreign policy...there are 19, YES 19 candidates in the Republican field...I already dislike everything about the 2016 election and it's not even 2016 yet!

3. The Bachelorette: I am a total "hate watcher" of The Bachelorette, and, because I don't have TV and can only watch it on Hulu playback, I usually don't even subject myself to a whole episode. Instead I browse for, what I call, the 'dirty highlights,' which pretty much involves crying, drama, or interviews that look particularly awkward. Basically, that means I've ended up watching A LOT of this season...which has got to be the worst season ever. J Word wonders how/why I even bother, and this was the best analogy I could give him: Sometimes, when I'm driving along the highway, I'll see a particularly nasty piece of roadkill coming up on the shoulder, and I'll tell myself not to look at it, because I really have no stomach for that kind of thing, and I know it will be disgusting and (if gross enough) maybe even make me gag...but then as I drive past I look anyway! And guess what happens!? It's completely gross, and momentarily nauseates me, and I knew it was going to happen and that I should not look, but morbid curiosity makes me do it...

...and that's The Bachelorette!

But I can't help it...and then Mookie and I speculate on what's going to happen in the end, and how everyone on the show is ruining their lives, and how people are generally insane. I hate myself a little for actually being curious about how this whole season will end.   

4. It's Shark Week: First of all, ABC should buy the rights to "Shark Week" and run it after The Bachelorette on Monday nights! It's like the same thing. Secondly, I don't watch "Shark Week" because, as previously mentioned, I don't have real TV, and something about Hulu-ing Shark Week just seems weird. And then it dawned on me...Shark Week is on Hulu! And it's on Netflix! Which means every week can be Shark Week...and this goes without saying because it's not like sharks disappear the other 51 weeks of the year. Not that you'd know this from reading my friend's Facebook statuses. I can only take one more "Guys!! Sharks are like AMAZING! Like WOW!" We all recognize that the Discovery Channel didn't actually discover sharks this week, right!?

If you want real entertainment, watch Shark Tank because I seriously saw this thing in Bed, Bath and Beyond the other day. That's right...someone's making millions of dollars on a smiley face sponge!

Enough with the ranting! Rage on runners and readers! 

Happy Trails, 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Picking a Play...lucky number 8!

Tis the season for picking a play! For the last five years, July and August have brought with them a slew of scripts to mull over and eventually pick a fall production from. Every year that I do this I find decent material...though decent material and the "right" material are not always the same thing. I do have a small production "wish list" to stage someday, but the conditions have to be right for these particular shows. Currently, the "right conditions" include next year's completion of the new performing arts space. Having a real stage will make all the difference in the world. In the meantime, I've become somewhat adept at choosing and staging shows in little niche spaces. And thus, this year I believe the choice has come down to two potential options...

If you're unfamiliar with the choices, "And Then There Were None" is the classic Agatha Christie murder mystery (also known as "Ten Little Indians.") I've considered staging a mystery during my last few rounds of script selection and read a couple mediocre stories in the process. ATTWN is not mediocre, would be fun and different from other things I've directed, and would have some title/author name recognition to help bring people in. Downsides? Recommended staging/set is bigger and more elaborate than anything I'd really want to build. Male to female ratio isn't ideal casting and doesn't provide a lot of room for gender flexibility. Still...not a bad option.

Choice number two is Neil Simon's "Fools." I've considered directing this show twice before, and it's made the final two of my script selection once in the past as well. That probably means I should go ahead and stage it. Merits: it's funny! Neil Simon is obviously a classic playwright. It's got a small, manageable cast, that probably provides me more flexibility than ATTWN. Downfalls: Multiple locations in the story make for trickier staging. The cast is small...only 10 or so speaking parts.

Of course, because I've named these as the two shows I'm considering picking between, the very real possibility exists I will not choose either option!

I mean...there's two months left this summer...that's a lot of time to read and consider other possibilities. And yet, the sooner I choose something, the easier the transition back to school and rehearsals will be. So (for now) it's narrowed down to these two. What would you buy a ticket to see?

Happy Trails,

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Name Changes and Blogger Analytics

Well hello internet!

A strange thing happened enroute back to my blog this weekend. (And it's been a LONG time since I've blogged...I finishing the school year, getting MARRIED, going on a honeymoon, and then 'life-ing' in general). But I digress...

This week I began the task of formally changing my name and I learned a few interesting things in the process.

1. Most people (regardless of the true legal standing or status of your formal paperwork) will immediately start calling you by your married last name the instant you leave the church! I'm not complaining about this...just saying!

2. Every entity with whom you will need to change your name will have slightly different application, documentation, and verification requirements. Credit cards are alarmingly easy to change. Bank accounts are unnecessarily difficult to change. are essentially a brand new person - please re-apply and send us your money.'s the DMV...

Then there was my additional decision to change my person email to reflect my new name, which was not totally necessary, but in the long run will be easier for everyone! That started the tedious process of updating every login, sign-up, free coupon, etc. list I'd ever been on, which eventually led to: forget it, I don't need 4 emails a day from this (insert social action/politician/store discount/etc.) anyway; my married life will be better without you!

It was in the process of this email update that the blog came back onto my radar screen, as my blogger account is tied to my old gmail account, therefore preventing me from ever really deleting it because I'd like to have access to this handy little archive of the last 4 years of my life. However, having not looked at my blog since April, and having recently recognized with a number of people that my writing had slowed to a trickle, I thought I'd probably just let this account sit...maybe save the archive to a flash drive...and acknowledge that the days of sitting alone and shouting at the internet in search of validation had passed (mostly because I can now shout across the house for validation, and J Word helpfully and gladly obliges!) ;)

Yet, when I signed back into my blogger account, I found something rather interesting. Blogger keeps all kinds of stats and analytics for the blog's readership, and though I haven't written since April, people have continued to visit the page in May and June and now July. Though when I write actively I have 100's of visitors a month, even when I wasn't writing I still had 3-5 page views a day. What were these people doing? Reading old posts? Checking to see if I was back? I know Mookie read the "30 before 30" list looking for things to help me check off. What were other people up to?

And thus...I find myself here writing again because I had readers even when I wasn't maybe I owe it to those readers to write. Plus, there'll be plenty of new stories to tell from married life, and J Word is great fun to have adventures and stories with. So there's that. of these days I'll get my act together and check that "Write a Novel" item off my list...and then I'm REALLY going to want readers! So it's best not to alienate the few that have managed to stick it out this far.

So I'm here! Or...I'm back! And I'll try to stick around for awhile. Running, writing, and married life updates to come!

Happy Trails,