Friday, July 31, 2015

Four thoughts for Friday

Happy Friday happy people! It's the last day of July...which is crazy. But the good news is, that with Labor Day so late in September, there's the whole month of August ahead of us before the reality of "Back to School" really sets in. (And then school will start on my there's the reality of that!)

I've been putting in half days of planning for the last two weeks trying to get organized while I have the motivation to do so, and before I have an imposing deadline of "school's going to start and you have to do this now!" Hopefully the scripts I'm waiting on will show up this afternoon and my focus can shift to theatre next week. In the meantime, no update on that front...

And it's Friday, so let's not talk about work anyway. Here are four thoughts from the world at large this week...

1. Happy Birthday to JK Rowling! I'm unapologetically a big Harry Potter nerd, and wish I had a story in my head like that. I thought the writing in the series was pretty brilliant, but even more brilliant has been Rowling's regular twitter posts, both HP related and un-HP related. Here are some of the best examples of her wit with words. My favorites below:

2. Sometimes J Word accuses, no that's too negative, he asserts that I am good at nearly everything I try. This is not 100% accurate. Not even close. But in the event you want to get good at everything you do, here's a helpful how-to video.

3. Sometimes I come across things on the internet, read them, and think there are WAY too many feelings going on here, and most people probably don't think this way. Maybe that's the way you feel when you read this blog. However, this post about donating clothes to a thrift store, and what it means to say goodbye to your memory and identity had me cracking up. I just took two bags of clothes to Goodwill, and you know what I thought? "Wow! I haven't worn this in ages! Good riddance." 

4. This color quiz is crazy hard. I didn't do particularly well...but it still said I had "decent color awareness," so I'm not sure how well you actually have to do to be considered excellent. Try it here.  

Happy weekend! 

Happy Trails, 

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