Friday, October 17, 2014

Fall Break - The Friday Five

You know what the perfect remedy to running a marathon is? A short week of work, a long fall break weekend hanging out with J Word, a night out on the town with theatre tickets, and no running. Sounds perfect...and impossible...but it it's not impossible, and it is perfect!

As such, I have no witty words, nor academic anecdotes on which to reflect at the end of the week. Instead I offer you these five things for a little fall break fun of your own.

1. I hated being tall when I was younger, though at some point (probably about the time I stopped wearing XL tshirts and bought my first pair of heels) I grew into my height and got over it. (So many tall puns!! Sorry I'm not sorry!!) Still, this list of struggles all tall people face, is not incorrect.

2. OK...this one is actually kind of school related. There's been a big hoopla about the school lunches recently, and out of the fray...delicious looking beefy tacos emerged on Tuesday. But how does that compare to the world's lunch trays? Now you know...

3. This cracked me up! J Word...this is your odd compliment of the day! 

4. This is a semi-humorous, semi-cringe worthy illustrated account of tiny bees fighting giant hornets. I hate all bees regardless of size. Please acknowledge how difficult it was for me to post this. It's not a rational fear...but I'm working on it! 

5. And because it's now fall, and Halloween is almost upon us, this gem is worth sharing again...because it's HILARIOUS! My apologies for the language. There is no edited version. Just read it with "beeeeps" in your head and it'll be fine!

Happy Trails, 

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