Saturday, October 25, 2014

Friday Five...or Saturday Six...

I admit it. I intentionally neglected the Friday Five yesterday after thinking about doing it about five times. But really, you're welcome...because I blogged Thursday, and was considerate enough not to blast you with another round of internet musings that, no doubt, would have disrupted and distracted your other Friday evening activities.

...that may have been unnecessarily self-important! ;) But here's hoping you really did have something better to do last night than browse the internet. As for my plans, J Word and I have recently taken to playing very competitive games of Chinese Checkers...a trend that continued after we both put in a good amount of time to getting some work done as well. Quarter 1 grades are coming due soon, and he's got building permit drawings to prepare for his most recent property acquisition, so it was a paperwork kind of night.

Not super exciting, and this morning has been much of the same. So let's jump into a little internet folly to help you relax and procrastinate as the weekend rolls on!

1. This article is well written, true, and (happily) something J Word and I actually did after we got engaged. General premise: the very first thing you need to do after you get engaged is take a moment to enjoy the moment by yourselves...without rushing to tell anyone. J Word proposed on the top of a fire tower in a state park with, conveniently, no cell service; therefore, by default we had as much time as we wanted to spend the moment alone, hike back out of the woods, and keep the 'secret' between ourselves for a small stretch of time before sharing with our friends. After reading and discussing the article, we both agreed that we were glad we did!

2. On a far less sentimental note, this list of indicators that your life is about guacamole...true on so many levels!

3. The question of "Best Day of Your Life" is subjective, and the answers (and yes that was answers plural) vary by context. This article about what your best day(s) of your life says about you is a little bit interesting, a little bit silly sarcastic, and a little bit thought provoking, in that it made me want to keep my own list of best days.

4. and 5. The last two things go together in the category of "Other Things that You Could Be Doing on the Internet that Might be a Better Use of your Time!"Read 'em prepared to lose track of the next few hours of your life!

And a bonus...because I'm a day late listing!


You're welcome for that last one!!

Happy Trails,

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