Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Play's the Thing, and Other Dealings in August

In the last two weeks, four things have happened that are sure fire signs that summer is just about over.

1.) The official brochure/schedule for teacher in-service arrived.
2.) The official back to school employee paperwork arrived.
3.) I had to make my first trip back to the building since I left in May! That's right...MAY! That feels like a long time ago because, well, it kind of was! Lots of things have happened since May, so it almost felt a little weird to be walking through the halls of the high school again.
4.) Football started!

The end of summer is a double edged sword because while on the one hand I love summer, free time, sleeping in late, running whenever I want in the middle of the day, writing, reading, having lunch with my husband, etc. I also love the crisp weather, crunchy leaves, curl up in a blanket, go outside in a sweatshirt, football season, pumpkins and cider, etc. that fall brings. There's even a point that I decide I don't mind going back to school!

And it's at about this point that my non-teacher friends say, "Wow! Must be nice having so much free time and freedom." And my answer is, "Yes! It is." As a teacher, I'm not going to apologize for my summer. But I'm also not going to pretend that I don't have to start getting ready for the reality of September.

And so, in the next two weeks before I report to in-service...here's what's going down.

First things first: I previously written on two occasions about the need to pick a fall play and get the ball rolling on pre-production details. Well...done and done...and it's actually one of the ones I told you it might be too! So, save the date and the details for PI's version of:

I'm pumped about this show because, as I mentioned, I've thought about doing it 3 or 4 times. So...now's the moment! :) 

Next things next: it's time to run! For the first time in two summers, I'm not training for a fall marathon, and it's been awesome! I'll talk more about the specifics of the 8 week training plan I've been on later, but it's been really really good; a nice change physically and mentally from the long demand that is marathon training. 

There wasn't really a chance to think much about consistent training at the beginning of the summer with the wedding, but the end of summer is perfect because it means going back for my 5th running of the Madison Mini Marathon! 
This is half marathon #11 on my race resume, and I'm running without a specific goal in mind but to finish and enjoy the run in the process, which makes this the perfect end of summer race. Plus, the Platypus, Mustang, and Mrs. Dr. are all running as well. That means Mookie, J Word, and the Parents will come to Madison as well. Cue the perfect end of summer running party!

After that, in-service will start, and the game will be pretty much over, except for a final Labor Day weekend, last chance for summer fun trip back home to the Parents. Featuring the family Labor Day party at the lake, the family fantasy football draft, and multiple golfing opportunities, there's lots of final days of summer fun to be had!

Other things going on in the next few weeks that EVERYONE should be excited about:
* Preseason football starts in earnest this week! Game on!! :-)
* The Minnesota State Fair. (I'm not ever sure we're going...but people who like to go should be excited!)
* This week's peak of the Perseid meteor shower. They say at it's best you can see 100 per hour. The height of the show should be between 11pm Wednesday and 4am Thursday.

So as the dog days of summer drag on, drag yourself up and out into the best of the end of summer dealings!

Happy Trails,

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