Friday, August 21, 2015

Four Thoughts for Friday

TGIF blog friends! It's Friday...the Friday before the Madison Half Marathon to be precise. In a little over an hour, J Word and I are going to pack up the car and head down to Madison for the Expo and dinner with the Platypus, all before meeting the rest of the crew (Mom, Dad, Mookie, Mustang, Mustang's parents, etc.) tomorrow at the starting line. The weather looks like it should be close to perfect, and it's a race weekend, so let's all be excited!!

Having previously written about taper week, I feel like I should mention my taper week was uneventful barring a very very strange dream last night in which I was running a race in Siberia. In order to get to the race, we had to essentially sneak into Russia via an underground train tunnel. (Or apparently you could dog sled in, because once we reached the lodge where we were staying, two teams arrived via sled.) We got into Siberia no problem, only to realize the night before the race that I had left my running shoes in the underground train tunnel (because you know that's EXACTLY the kind of thing I would actually do!) Cue J Word and I sneaking into a Siberian Bizarre to look for new sneakers, and my concocting a story (in my dream head...which is also my real head...) about a marathon taking place in Berlin post-World War II where East Berliners and West Berliners had to cross the wall to make it the full 26.2 miles.

This was a very very very involved dream. And it's no wonder I woke up more exhausted then when I had gone to sleep. Also, I never actually ran the race in the dream, so I can't even tell you what running in Siberia is like...but I imagine it's cold!

Pause for Google Research....

Ah ha! Consequently there is a Siberian Marathon...and "Ice Marathon" as it were. And so for your first thing this Friday, here's a lucid thought about running Siberian Marathons...

1. DO NOT run a marathon in Siberia!

Onto other, less complicated and bizarre observations from the week.

2. In the last few weeks you may have heard about the security breach at the online site for people who want to cheat on their spouses, Ashley Madison. If not...catch up here...but truthfully the story is kind of sad and depressing, so here's what happened in a nutshell. Hackers got the names of 36 million site users and threatened to leak them (and then did), thus outing lots of no good rotten scoundrels cheating on their spouses.

My first thought on the story was, 'OMG! There are 36 million people trying to cheat on their spouse!?' Then I looked up how many users are on for a comparison, and found out that number was about 5,000,000. So the number of spouses trying to cheat is 7 times higher than the number of singles looking for relationships...or hookups... So, if you're looking for a hookup, are you 7 times more likely to find a cheating spouse to have a fling with than a single person looking for a relationship??

Then my head started to hurt, because I know, at least I hope, that logic must be flawed. And all of this ignores the fact that Josh Dugger's name (of the now infamous '19 Kids and Counting') was released on the list, meaning he's got 99 more problems. And after watching Tiger Woods tank at the PGA Championship again last week (the latest low point in a career that's been on a steady decline since his own cheating/golf club to the back of an SUV incident came out), I can't help but feel like cheating on your spouse instantly kills your karma. Bad mojo on you all the rest of your days!

3. It's the end of summer, and if you happen to be heading to one of my favorite cities for an end of summer excursion, apparently you MUST stand in line for hours to get your hands on the latest foodie craze...rolled ice cream. It may not be at a Cold Stone near you, but 10Below Ice Cream shop in New York City's Chinatown is making news for the most amazing ice cream creation you'll apparently ever indulge in. I will admit, watching how they make it was oddly mesmerizing. Apparently it's a traditional street food in Thailand. And now, it's a hot, prepster food trend in the good old USA. CLICK HERE.

4. Think you know what else is happening in the world this week? Take this news quiz to find out both: A. That you're either informed or uninformed. And B. The world's going to hell in a handbasket! CLICK HERE

Happy Weekend All.

Happy Trails,


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