Friday, December 5, 2014

Something about December...

Well Happy December, and welcome back to the Friday Five.

Last Friday, as people clamored through stores trying to buy $99 TVs, and $2 PJ pants (some of you are now wondering where you missed $2 PJ pants...I don't think that good of a deal actually existed...but you get my point), I enjoyed a Thanksgiving dinner with Josh's Tennessee family, then got in the car, drove across the state to spend the weekend with our Tennessee friends, then drove all the way back to Minnesota on Sunday, for a whirlwind holiday weekend road trip adventure. Thus, you'll hopefully excuse the brief blogging absence.

But now I'm back, and December is here, and the countdown to Christmas is on. There's something about December that is wonderful and magical...and I've always loved bring on the good times. I'm ready! Three weeks and counting!

And speaking of counting...let's count to five. Your first December Friday Five...ready?...go!

1. I like this list of the things that happy couples are able to talk about, mostly because I'm part of a happy coupleship that has talked about all these things! I'm not sure that it's the litmus test for healthy relationships, but I do feel good knowing that J Word and I are pretty much open books when it comes to sitting down for a chat.


Ok...this one is kind of fun and funny. J Word and I have been talking a lot recently about setting up our own Christmas traditions and what we want our newly co-mingled holidays to look like. We have a Christmas tree, and he laughed himself silly when I hid the baby Jesus (because he can't go in our manger scene until Christmas!),  and we've discussed any number of other holiday-esque things. St. Nick is one of those funny traditions that I've always known I would likely have to explain to a future spouse (as I've had to explain it to just about everyone who didn't grow up in a small sliver of south-eastern Wisconsin). So, when I recently mentioned to J Word that St. Nick fills stockings on Friday night, he gave me that small, sly smile I've come to know as the "I'm going to humor you because you're being a little ridiculous, but you're also adorable at the same time" look. Then he asked if he should expect candy in his stocking. I mention this because I've had to concede that, now living in Minnesota, any future children I may have will have little cultural context for St. Nick because none of their classmates and friends will have St. Nick. Thus, I might at a St. Nickless (that's a GREAT pun!) family. But I think J Word should probably leave his stocking out this week because everyone deserves St. Nick Day at least once!

3. Every year these come out as a end of the year review...and every year I kind of like them!

4. Oh yes!!! This pre-black Friday Target pep talk is one "This is Sparta" short of a empirical war. BUT, bonus points if you can also name the Shakespeare play alluded to in the speech!

5. And last but not least...Grammy nominations are out today, and though this is not something I'm normally excited about, I happened across them and consequently found myself elated that Taylor Swift does not rule every...single...category! 

Happy Trails, 

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