Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Five - The five most unexpected things that happened this week...

My job has made me laugh, cry, smile, and pull my hair out...sometimes all in the same week (once or twice even all in the same day!). That said, I can't imagine what else I'd be doing if I didn't teach, so most times I just try to roll with the punches. This week, on the whole, was a good week. But that doesn't mean it wasn't without it's share of head scratching, bizarre, moments. In fact, there were a number of oddities this week. Let's consider the following:

1. A former student, now in college, Facebook messaged me a grammar question because they couldn't find the answer on Google.

2. A full section of my freshman English class became inexplicably fascinated with the idea of J Word, called him 'Mr. Laack' for the majority of an hour, drilled me with questions about the wedding, and eventually Googled my wedding website.

3. A woman at the gym asked me if I was "sweating for the wedding," and I almost bit my tongue off trying to restrain myself from 100 sarcastic and snarky retorts.

4. I found another opportunity to submit a piece of writing for publication (stay tuned.)

5. My Minnesota License Exams scores are showing up 3 weeks early! They will arrive in email form at 5:00pm tonight...either confirming or disproving my aptitude for my chosen profession. Oh goody...

In other news, my Twitter feed is active again, and I'll be posting my blog links there. So, if you're a 'tweeter' ('twitterer'?) come along and follow me at @k8_tweets.

I'm off for a birthday bash weekend! J Word is turning 30 so, you know, that's a big deal!

Happy Trails,

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