Friday, September 26, 2014

Getting pumped for a 5k

Training for a marathon is long, and exhausting, and time consuming, and though finishing the race is a huge pay-off and the ultimate accomplishment of a runner...I'm really ready to be done running and done training by the time I get to that finish line.

But racing in and of itself is fun and exciting and part of the huge draw of running 26.2 miles in the first place. It's not a super fun thing to do by yourself on a Saturday afternoon...but add in 44,999 other runners and one million spectators, and suddenly you have an event! Of course, not everyone is going to run a marathon, but everyone should have a moment or an experience like a marathon...that is, an event to share and celebrate a common experience, in a unique environment, with a sea of humanity. It doesn't have to be running...running just happens to be common suffering, therefore it lends itself well to such an event. 

But it certainly doesn't have to be a marathon! Enter last weekend's race event, the Milwaukee Electric Run, a funny little 5k that was more of an experience than an actual race. 

I don't run a lot of 5k's because normally my training is so much more than 3 miles that such a race would be a warm up to something much bigger. But Mom motivated this one, and J Word, Mookie, Mustang, and the Platypus all agreed to go along, so Team Diana is took to the streets together to race (or at least sightsee) our way to the finish line.

As to other important bits of mindless info, facts and trivia. Here a few worthy delving into if you have five minutes for the Friday 5!

1. While teaching high school literature, I've had a number of occasions in which I've had to handle sensitive subject matter, language issues, and intense themes. It's sometimes tricky ground to navigate...but then again, it's never been quite as giggle inducing as these unintentionally horrible children's book gaffes!

This touchy-feely book, which got a bit creepy.

2. Having just finished musical auditions, I can't tell you how relieved I am that this didn't happen! Also...none of my auditions were that bad either!

Maxis / SimAnt< ----------4. OMG! We had this game growing of the first computer games we installed onto the "kid's computer" in our back office and were allowed to play! I had COMPLETELY forgotten about it, but thanks to thought catalog...memory recovered! 

5. And as long as we're talking about childhood, there's all of this!
The whole gang:

Brownies from ANOTHER WORLD: Butt-rolling all around the gym:

Happy Trails,

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