Monday, August 25, 2014

Heels or Sneakers is now...

To my dearest readers: 

Happy late summer greetings one and all, and welcome to the new face of 'Heels or Sneakers'!

Three years ago, I started 'Heels or Sneakers' as a running record (and a "running record") of my journey into teaching and distance running. I wrote my first post on a day much like today...just a few days before teacher in-service started, and just a week or so after the Madison Mini Marathon, which, at the time, was my very first distance event. I had no idea how long it would last (that is the blog...and running...and teaching...all at the same time), but three years later, 'Heels or Sneakers' has over 35,000 page views and a commendable little internet following.

As I looked back over the last three years of posts, it was funny to see how the tone, attitude, and personality of my writing evolved along with the evolution of my career and my personal athletic endeavours. Though the intent of this blog was to follow the exploits of teacher and runner, at times it has commented on politics, personal stories, friends and family, and life in general. On the whole, I tried to stay true to my original purpose, as I grew into my role as teacher, my pursuits as runner, and a better understanding of myself as an individual, I found my themes expanded into an array of topics beyond just my launch into young adulthood. As I look to the year ahead, I can only imagine the realm of stories and experiences will continue to expand. I'm starting a brand new job. I moved. I'm planning a wedding. I'll launch a new theatre program in a brand new auditorium.

'Heels or Sneakers' saw the trials and tribulations of a first year teacher. It saw 10 half marathons, 5 triathlons, and Chicago 2013. It saw 6 sets of director's notes and main stage productions. 'Heels or Sneakers' saw me become the person I wanted to be when I first sat down and decided to tell my stories. In essence, 'Heels or Sneakers' has done its job and can be retired.

But there are bound to be more stories! After all,there's the 2014-2015 school year, the new challenges of a new 'first year,' another marathon, wedding plans and future plans, and the bevy of other life is destined to throw into the mix. Thus, we've come full circle to the aforementioned "new face" of the blog. Re-branded and re-launced, 'Going the Distance' is everything 'Heels or Sneakers' once was, plus the exciting new adventures on the horizon. More stories, more miles, more Friday lists, more race recaps, more of the good things in life with the good people I share them with.

Come walk another mile in my can still pick the pair!

Happy Trails,

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