Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Four thoughts for the rest of the week...

Last week was Homecoming Week, and first thing after school on Friday, J Word and I hopped in the car to go visit friends "Off the Grid." ( the grid here really just means my cell phone didn't have reception. The rest of the weekend was far from off the grid.)

In any case, my four thoughts on Friday were (in this order...) 1. It's the Friday of Homecoming Week, what are we really going to get done today? 2. What is the revised schedule again? 3. Is my nose getting sunburned? (during the parade). 4. Is it 3:15 yet? Thus...I spared you any long musings on my feelings about Homecoming.

Having come out the other side of the week and the weekend however, there is plenty going on in the world on which to comment and reflect. Here are four thoughts for the rest of this week, piggy backing on thoughts from the week that was...

1. Just 'pope-ing' in: Pope Francis was in the United States this past weekend, where he did a great many things...among them addressing a joint session of Congress. During his address, members of both parties stood and applauded on numerous occasions as he discussed compassion, human dignity, integrity, and respect. This momentarily seemed like a bright spot of hope for a dysfunctional group of immature adults who spend more time bickering and posturing than doing any real good. For a minute I thought perhaps the Pope had touched on their common sense and decency.

...and yet, just hours later when House Speaker Boehner resigned, and the Twittersphere, Republican campaign trail, and 24 hour news cycle rejoice openly (and occasionally malicious/disrespectfully) it became immediately apparent that we had learned nothing.

**Author's Note: Weeks ago I wrote about my list of "I wish I didn't live in a world where..." observations. I'd like to add, "I wish I didn't live in a world where people sat and applauded a message of compassion, only the leave the room and show none of it." Hypocrites!

2. Can you pronounce what's in your food?: J Word and I eat pretty healthily. Partly this happens out of necessity. It's much easier to accommodate gluten free eating when you're sticking to organic...minimally processed...grow it yourself in the backyard...kinds of foods. Beyond that, however, I've always preferred to "eat clean" as opposed to eating a lot of processed foods. The best way to start clean eating (at least how it was introduced to me) is just to eat foods with an ingredients list of items you can pronounce, and understand what purpose they serve in your food. It's not a perfect system...but it's a good start!

So when I saw this article (CLICK HERE) that shows exactly what each of the ingredients in some popular "junky" kinds of food look like, I was intrigued. I mean...Cool Ranch Doritos includes an ingredient called "blue." I know what blue is...conceptually I understand I can see it...but I'm pretty sure it doesn't count as clean. See the 40 ingredients in chicken mcnuggets below!

3. My child is gifted... : As a teacher, I get this line...if not a lot, at least more than is actually accurate. And there's no politically correct way to say, "No, your child is not!" And thus, such conversations become were tricky and sensitive. What's not tricky and sensitive, insisting a child is not a prodigy, as point out by this article CLICK HERE from Yahoo! News, which explains just what child prodigies look and act like. I'll give you a hint. I'm not a probably don't know a prodigy...prodigy are VERY smart and also VERY rare. A perfect ACT score does not make you a prodigy. A high IQ score doesn't make you a prodigy. So what makes you a prodigy? Read the article to find out! ;)

4. Don't Google 'Google Working Conditions' : can if you want to. I have no idea what really comes up if you do. I do know that Google has repeatedly been named one of the best companies to work for. Then again...I also know two people who had jobs at Google and left because they hated it. So take each opinion for what it's worth...and opinion! This story CLICK HERE provides a little more perspective on the situation. And, if you've never heard "the bad" or "the ugly" side of the "Is it worth it to work for Google" debate, it may be rather enlightening.

I'll also use this opportunity to remind you that I've previously written about the book "The Circle," which could probably be alternatively title "What it's Going to be like to Work at Google in the Next 20 Years." It's a good read! Pick it up if you're looking for a new title!

That's all for Wednesday. Happy mid-week. Here's to sliding into the weekend! (Almost...not quite yet...halfway there...)

Happy Trails,

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