I have waxed philosophic before about the unbridled joy of a snow day. And I'll admit, the call came last week that school had been cancelled, I smiled, and rolled back over to snuggle in for another hour or so of sleep. Then again when the call came there would be a two hour delay, I gladly turned off my 6AM standby and blissfully stayed in bed until 7:45 when an ominous piano riff pulled me out of dream world.
What are we doing!? You can't lay in bed all day!! It's the end of the semester!!Christmas vacation was wonderful, and in some ways I wish it wasn't over. But it is over...and if it's going to be over, then I have work to do!
But not at the moment! At the moment I'm counting down a Friday 5 for 2015. Ready...go!
5. In case it wasn't already painfully obvious from the -40+ windchill this week, winter in the Midwest arrived in full force for the new year. In case you're unconvinced, this list ->CLICK HERE<- of 23 signs its winter in the midwest, should clarify any confusion over the wrath Mother Nature is inflicting.#12 about everyone's Facebook status changing to something weather related was 100% accurate this week!
4. This started as a list of things kids from the 80s would understand. Then I realized that I had many of those same things in the 90s. THEN I realized that some of those things still exist in my classroom today (I'm looking at you #5!) ->CLICK HERE<- to find out what else has stood the test of time.
3. This one is one that happened to fall into my lap as I scramble to put the finishing touches on this year's One Act Play competition piece. ->CLICK HERE<- Hopefully it's the kind of experience I create for kids in the theatre program. It certainly was the kind of experience I was fortunate enough to have.
2. This week I remembered an old "bike in the winter and watch TV" standby, which is to say that working out while watching the biggest loser is a double dose of inspiration, motivation...and if you close your eyes and just listen to the trainers screaming, you can trick yourself into thinking they're screaming at you! Yahoo! featured this story recently ->CLICK HERE<- about "real women" working out and living healthy. The ad they put together is well worth a watch.
1. Last but not least, I found this extremely interesting, and in the run-up to Sunday's Packer's playoff game, I'm posting it ->CLICK HERE<- for you to find interesting too! It's called 'the team that never plays' and it's about the former college and pro athletes that now do the "body double" for football players in commercials and video games. Pretty cool stuff.

Happy weekend. Happy Trails,