It's back to school and back to blogging as the new year is ready to roll just on the other side of the Labor Day weekend. Friday's have meant many different things in my blogging world. For a while, they were just another day. Then, they became Friday Kudos, my weekly dose of gratitude and acknowledgement of the awesomeness happening around me. After that came the Friday list, which was pretty cool, but had nothing to do with either heels or sneakers most of the time.
So, here at 'Going the Distance' I'm once again changing the Friday format to a sort of blog catch all called 'The Friday Five.' 'The Friday Five' actually comes from an idea I've been using in my classroom for the last two years which I call Two Things Tuesday. "TTT" was two random things with which I'd start class in an effort to counteract recent scientific findings that Tuesday is the most depressing day of the week. (Hate Mondays? Think I'm making it up? Read this.) Coincidentally, on my end of the year student surveys, most of classes though the best (and sometimes only) reason for coming to my class was "TTT," so even if they learned nothing about literature, or grammar, or the art of public speaking, at least they weren't depressed on Tuesday!
That worked great in a block schedule when taking six or seven minutes at the start of class was no big deal. This year I'm switching to an 8 period day, and that will require rationing my class time a little differently. I'd hate to ditch the whole idea because, let's face it, Tuesday will still continue to be depressing, and students will continue to enjoy things that have nothing to do with the subject they are in class to learn about. So this year "TTT" has become "That One Thing" where I will share that one thing that you see every week that's so unbelievable that you just have to see it again.
And what does any of this have to do with 'The Friday Five'? Well, every week I had about 5 things that I could have used for Two Things Tuesday, and now that I'm cutting it down even further, where will I share my internet findings and follies? Good thing I have this blog space that people inexplicably subscribe to and read!
So the Friday Five could be a kudos, a random finding, this week's "one thing," or anything else that seems vaguely relevant to just about anything. Like I said, it's a catch all, and did you catch these things this week?
1. First, a kudos, and a big shout out to my new colleagues at Pine Island High School who have been back at it and helping me get comfortable and organized the last two weeks. The school feels like a pretty good fit, and I'm working with terrific people so bring on the new year!
2. From the department of 'we got bored, did something, and became an internet hit,' the people at BrainJet cut a bunch of everyday objects in half, photographed them, and posted them on their blog. It's actually a pretty simple concept, but some of the results were pretty darn cool. In fact, this camera lens is downright amazing!
4. This one time...the creator of Hello Kitty came out and told the world that Hello Kitty was not a cat but was actually a human girl. This really happened! Read it! I don't think my mind has been this blown since the day I realized my sister's fluffy, white stuffed animal (non-creatively named 'Lamby') was actually a seal!! (Making the name Lamby much more interesting!)
5. I googled "Fuzzy Lamb Seal" trying to find a picture of the mysterious child's toy so that you could all appreciate the confusion. No luck, but I did find this!
That little icon on the top isn't actually to far off!
Go long weekend! Look for the school stories to start next week!
Happy Trails,